Modern is committed to the most innovative and responsible methods of materials management. It’s simple – we accept nothing less. As your local waste & recycling company, we take that responsibility seriously.

Waste Approval Contact:
Nathan Duncan
Local: (716) 754-8226 x231
Toll Free: 1-800-662-0012 x231
1445 Pletcher Road
PO Box 209
Model City, NY 14107-0209
Modern Landfill, Inc. and its associated solid waste management facilities are located on a site in the Town of Lewiston, Niagara County, New York approximately four miles northeast of the Village of Lewiston, four miles southeast of the Village of Youngstown, and eight miles north of the City of Niagara Falls. The site is located at the intersection of Pletcher and Harold Roads on a 380-acre parcel owned by Modern Landfill, Inc. (Modern).
Currently, 239 acres of the 380-acres are permitted by the NYSDEC for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste from residential, municipal, commercial, and industrial sources. Operations of landfills in New York State are generally regulated by 6NYCRR Part 360.
Truck Route
All trucks are required to access the site using state and local truck routes including NYS Route 18, NYS Route 104, Model City Road and Harold Road.
Operating Permits
Solid Waste Facility Permit – 9-2924-00016/00043
Title V Air Permit – 9-2924-00016/00053
State Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (storm water permit) – 9-2924-00016-00032
Town of Lewiston Landfill Permit
Environmental Design
Modern Landfill’s design reflects state of the art practices in landfill engineering. All current and future landfill areas have a double composite baseliner or overfill liner consisting of robust natural and synthetic liner materials exceeding regulatory standards.
Solid waste is delivered to the facility in packer trucks, roll-off containers, and transfer trailers. All loads are scaled in at the site and subject to inspection to ensure adherence to regulatory and permit requirements. Waste is compacted using GPS-equipped compactors, enabling location tracking of each day’s waste as well as efficient management of airspace utilization.
Only non-hazardous waste as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is accepted at the landfill. Industrial wastes, biosolids, recycling residuals and remediation-derived wastes have special pre-approval requirements.
See our Waste Approval Contact for more information.
Hours & Details
Monday – Friday, 9AM – 3PM
The charge for dumping at the landfill is approximately $76 a ton with a one ton minimum. We only take Credit/Debt cards with matching ID and Check. Residents of the City of Niagara Falls, the Town of Lewiston and Town of Porter can dump for free with a permit from their municipality. To obtain a permit, City of Niagara Falls residents must call 716-286- 4840, Town of Lewiston residents must call 716-754-8213, and Town of Porter must call 716-754-3730.
When dumping at the landfill, you may have to unload the material by hand into a yard container.
We only accept non-hazardous waste. We don’t accept any electronic waste, mattresses, tires, or paint cans.
If you have any problems or questions, please call the Landfill Scale house at 716-405-1214
Monday – Friday, 7AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday, 7AM – 12 PM (Noon)
To set up an account please call customer service (800-330-7107) and speak with a sales team member.
In order to enter the landfill, you will need to be able to provide insurance on the vehicles you are hauling in and attend a safety briefing.
At current filling rates, Modern Landfill has disposal capacity through 2040.
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